maanantai 7. heinäkuuta 2014


Draco heard Sarah placing the coffee cups on their table and he reached forward. Sarah pushed the espresso towards him so he could grab it easily.

"So... Any interesting activity today?" Draco asked after sipping some of that delicious coffee. This was his favourite coffee shop of the all ones he and Sarah had gone through. They may or may not have created a dangerous addiction to coffee. This one was also Sarah's favourite. She said it was mostly about the wonderful coffee but she loved the cookies there and she said the shop looked cute.

About the cookies he wasn't really sure since he never liked sweet things that much. Sarah said it had something to do with his "rather bitter personality". And about the cuteness it was hard to say anything, really.

"Hmm... Haven't really thought about it. Nothing too extreme. I'm still too exhausted from work", Sarah thought out loud.
"Well I've been telling you, work is for losers", Draco answered cheekily and grinned. Sarah snorted and sipped her cappuccino.
"Not everyone has super powers and rich parents."

Draco was very aware that his new best friend was a muggle. Shocking, right? The only explanation he could give was that some people change. And some change a lot. Like a lot. Sarah also knew about Draco's magic. She was a very trustworthy person but she tended to joke about Draco's "speciality" in public which had led them to some rather interesting moments.
Draco slapped Sarah's shoulder (he was aiming for the head but that was something she didn't need to know) and shushed loudly.

"Ouch! Dude, 'superpowers' has nothing to do with your 'little speciality'. No one could guess it really is mag-"
"Geez, fine. Calm down, blondie."

Draco childishly stuck his tongue out towards Sarah and took another sip of his coffee.
"Aaaaanyway, I was thinking about going to that music shop nearby and buy some new albums. And I broke a few strings on my guitar last time so I really need new ones", Sarah told and took a bite of her cookie. She chewed it loudly (Draco hated that. Sarah knew.) and after a few moments she swallowed it and kept talking:

"And maybe you could help me with this one song. I mean I think I could get good lyrics to it but I need a good singer to try it out."

Draco rolled his eyes and combed his own hair with his fingers.
"Sarah, you are a good singer."
"Not as good as you."
"Well that's true."
Sarah laughed.

"So is that a good plan?" She asked and ate the rest of her cookie (still very loudly). For a few seconds Draco was distracted because a new customer came in and he had to put his coat on because of the cold breeze. Damn England's windy and cold springs.

"Not one of your best ones but I'm down with it, if-"
"Great!" Sarah cheered happily.
"If we're gonna take a karaoke match later!"
"No! I lose every time!"
"Well it's not my fault that I was born with a wond-"
Draco was interrupted by a familiar voice: "Malfoy?"

He would know that voice anywhere. He bit his tongue, thinking about whether to answer or not.

"Potter", he finally murmured.

"Draco, who is this?" Sarah sounded genuinely confused, and a little scared too. She was used to the fact that no one really knew him and if they did, they probably wanted to kill him. Draco could already feel Sarah's hand moving behind his back, protectively.

"It's fine, Sarah. He won't do anything", Draco assured.

"In that case: Hello there, my name is Sarah Queen. Draco's best friend and flatmate."
Harry was quiet for a second and Draco assumed that the two of them were shaking hands.
"I'm Harry Potter, I went to the same school with Malfoy."

"HARRY POTTER?!?!? Oh my God you are that 'bloody Saint Potter, always a pain in the arse'!"
"What?" Harry asked, he sounded a bit amused.
"Oh, that's just how Draco described you that one time he talked about his mystery school. Doesn't talk about it much, actua-"

"What do you want, Potter?" Draco interrupted Sarah, face towards the floor.
"Huh? N-nothing, I just... Why aren't you looking at me when I'm talking to you? Are you seriously still mad about some school fights?" Harry sounded like he couldn't believe his eyes. Why did that fucking bastard have to be so curious about every little thing? Couldn't he just leave?

Draco gritted his teeth, he didn't really want the conversation to go there. But now it seemed like he had no other choice. He turned his face towards to where he assumed Potter was and sighed heavily. Then he took his dark sunglasses off and opened his eyes. Staring at the eternal darkness he had witnessed for a long while now.

"Well I'm so sorry, Potter, but I can't really look at anything."

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